Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 2, Term 2 Class newsletter

Week 2, Term 2

Home learning

Please take the time to read over our Maths term overview and helpful hints to help your child at home with their reading and writing.  We are going to have a very busy term and we are really grateful for any extra support you can do to help build on all the fantastic new learning. 
Room 2 notices

Just a few things to think about

·         No hats this term.
·         Change of clothes for wet days.
·         Book bags EVERY DAY.
·         Spelling tests are on Friday.
·         Your child can collect points in class and may win a treasure.
·         Meet the new teacher get together afternoon/evening will be coming up and a notice will go home with times and venue.

On a personal note….  I am absolutely loving Room 2 and the students are so wonderful!  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be their teacher and work with you on their learning journey. 

Writing – we are focusing on adding more detail to our story.

Maths- we are learning our basic facts to 10 and 20.

Reading  - you will need to read with your child every night and sign the book log.  Please bring the book bag every day.

Spelling – please practise the spelling words.  If your child knows the whole set move on to the next set.

week 2

Monday – No school
Tuesday – Class newsletter and home learning Wednesday – PE  Thursday  - Library   Friday – Assembly 2.30


  1. It sounds like Room 2 are having lots of fun. Welcome to our school and our wonderful children.

  2. It sounds like Room 2 are having lots of fun. Welcome to our school and our wonderful children.

  3. Thank you! We are having a great start to the term.

  4. Great to know what the kids are focussing on for the term/week - thanks for keeping us in the loop.
