Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Multiplication in Room 2

We have been enjoying  our new mathematics resources this week.  We are learning  how useful  it is to us multiplication  especially when  we are working  out how much pocket money we might get!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Spelling Achievements in Room 2

This week we are focusing  on  spelling. Your child has a spelling list in their  home learning  books.  When they can correctly  spell these words they receive a  special  certificate and get to share it at assembly.  Please support  your child by helping  them learn these words.  We have extra lists in the  class or you can find them in their  reading  log (about half way through the book).

Don't  forget to  check out  our class website for videos and ideas for  helping  your child with reading, writing and mathematics.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Focus on reading

We are working  hard on our reading.  Please listen to your child read everyday  and encourage  reading  for enjoyment.

Term 3 Reading Rocket

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

Assessment and next learning steps for your child

This week we have had a busy week assessing your child's learning and progress.  All of the children in Room 2 have gained new knowledge and have to learning goals in the different curriculum areas.  If you would like to talk with Miss M about how your child is progressing and what their next learning steps are please call the office, email or call into the classroom to make a time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Matariki Soup

Today we are making veggie soup to celebrate Matariki.  Please check our class web site to see photos.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

Firewise Visit

We have been learning about how to be Firewise.  Yesterday we had some very special visitors come to our school.  Two Firefighters came to visit our class.  The showed us videos and talked to us about fire safety.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Class website


Please check out our class website for more photos, videos, education ideas and home learning extension.

How the Koala lost his tail

This link will take you to a story of  how the Koala lost his tail.  We have been learning about different cultures.  Today we looked at Australia and the children were all given a little Koala teddy from Australia.  They listened and watched the story.  The children then wrote about it afterwards.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Counting on from the biggest number


Maths youtube

This clip will recap what we have been learning.  You can skip the earlier part if you wish or work through the whole clip.  It is great to spend time consolidating learning and it gives your child the opportunity to feel successful.

Parent Teacher interviews

We are very excited to meet with you to discuss your child's learning.  Please click on the link to book an appointment.  If you are unable to book it on line, please just pop into the office and speak to our friendly staff or pop into the classroom and I will be more than happy to do it.


Sunday, March 6, 2016